„Physikant“ and science artist: no-one fits the bill more than Marcus Weber. Whilst studying physics at university he appeared in a juggling and cabaret show. After graduating he became an on-stage entertainer when he co-founded The Physikanten. Today Marcus not only performs with the Physikanten, but also runs the company, conceptualises the shows, and on the side explains to journalists how the experiments work.
Elektrisiert bewirbt sich Dr. Matthias Salewski, damals noch Bachelor-Student an der TU Dortmund, auf einen Aushang der Physikanten in seiner Uni. Es zeigt sich schnell: er kann eigentlich fast alles! Er betreut Forscher-Werkstätten und Workshops, konstruiert Experimente und beweist Talent als Texter. 2016 nimmt er den Shortcut zur Professur: als Professor Liebermann begeistert er das Publikum. Und wenn der gestrenge Liebermann sich hinreißen lässt überraschend sein professorales Tanzbein zu schwingen, blitzt dabei Matthias’ Leidenschaft fürs Lateintanzen auf.
Auf Experimente lässt sich Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr doch gerne ein: "Ich brenne fürs Spielen, Tanzen, Singen an sich“. Ihre natürliche Neugier macht die Arzthelferin aus der Lindenstraße zur geborenen Professorin. Nach Theater-, TV- und Kino-Erfolgen (u.a. in Cannes) steht Kaps-Zurmahr bei den Physikanten als Prof. Dr. Mechthild Liebermann auf der Bühne und erklärt dem Publikum die Welt der Physik. Da kann es nicht schaden, dass die Kampfsport-Begeisterte sich Erstaunliches traut und das Risiko nicht scheut.
Menschen zum Lachen zu bringen hat er sich schon im Kindergarten zu eigen gemacht. Als Volker Büdts acht war, kam das Schlüsselerlebnis: Jerry Lewis!
Der Weg war klar: über die Bühne ins Herz der Zuschauer, egal ob TV, Kino oder Theater. Und jetzt als Entertainer bei den Physikanten.
One day Tobias Happe stood with his mountain bike outside the door of The Physikanten. He was studying physics and asked if he could contribute in some way. Well, of course! Since completing his Bachelor’s degree, Tobias creates experiments, develops shows and conducts workshops for children. He has completed his Master’s degree in physics and philosophy. He writes plays, directs his own theatre group and explains the night’s sky to students at the Solingen observatory. In his spare time he is a passionate mountain biker – but hopefully he won’t be cycling off to his next employer anytime soon!
When he started performing with The Physikanten, Engelbert Kobelun was transformed from comedian to professor. As the comedian “Mr E.”, and with the help of his co-founded artists group Eventcomedy, he has been bringing laughter to audiences for many years. It’s no wonder then, that “Professor Liebermann” in the Interactive Physics Show is not only charming and eccentric, but also never misses the opportunity for a witty comeback.
Musician, actor, producer: Rainer Grünebaum is rarely found away from the stage. Since joining The Physikanten, he has further taken on the role of entertainer. In the Interactive Physics Show he plays the knowledgeable car mechanic and refrigeration technician for the Showmaster.
Studying physics with Japanese, Stefan Heusler graduated from university and began producing cartoons. One of his main talents is combining unusual things. Under the name “Arts of Science”, he scripted original and creative films concerning problems in physics. He also completed a PhD on quantum chaos, and enriches the Interactive Physics Show with tricks such as the “pictures of a candle”, where a video loop creates fantastic and stunning images.
Make physics understandable – that has been the goal of Sascha Ott for many years. No wonder then, that he ended up in The Physikanten. With a degree in physics and a PhD in science journalism, he communicated and explained the latest technology and research with ARD-Radio listeners for many years. In his ‘kitchen experiments’ in the WDR5 science programme “Leonardo”, he also presented mind-boggling experiments with everyday objects.
Women and Engineering – Beate Bohr shows us that these two concepts are no longer mutually exclusive. Her connection to physics was probably with her right from the cradle, as her great uncle was the Nobel Prize winning physicist Nils Bohr. She can also be found on the stages of comedy and cabaret clubs across Germany, (www.beatebohr.de), so nothing is standing between her and a career as a great entertainer in The Physikanten Show.
After dropping his biology degree and instead successfully completing acting training, it was only a matter of time before Sascha Schiffbauer joined The Physikanten. That it took a full ten years may seem like a long time, but he has now risen to the rank of professor and it has been well worth the wait. Schiffbauer is an actor, presenter and entertainer, a curious by nature know-it-all… with The Physikanten he found his ideal home!
A nationally recognised comedian since 2004, Thomas Müller (Start Search 2, Nightwash, Quatsch Comedy Club, WDR-Funkhaus, Schmidttheater Hamburg) has mingled with The Physikanten as an entertainer, thereby miraculously linking his training as a teacher, an actor and a comedian together. The result is infotainment as its best!
For those who have not experienced an introduction to his show, they’d be well advised to first get in contact with survivors who have!
Klaus Prangenberg lives in Cologne , working both there and across Germany as a freelance director, actor, author and musician.
Als Entertainer bei den Physikanten beweist Sunga Weineck immer wieder aufs Neue: das Parkett der Physik ist längst nicht so trocken wie gedacht. Zum Lachen bringen wollte der mehrfach ausgezeichnete Schauspieler mit 25 Jahren Theater-Film-TV-Erfahrung sein Publikum schon zu Schulzeiten. Doch erst als Physikant darf der Percussion-Liebhaber nun so richtig zeigen, wie man es auf der Bühne krachen lässt. „Bang – Boom – Wow!“
Schon als Studentin hat sie sich immer nur für Veranstaltungen, Musik und Bühnen interessiert. Danach war sie lange im nationalen und internationalen Eventgeschäft tätig. Mit über 25 Jahren Berufserfahrung im Marketing, Eventmarketing, Qualitätsmanagement, als Beraterin und Coach ist Birte Jungebloed nun als Physikantin hinter den Kulissen im Marketing, Booking und Sales tätig. Hier berät Sie nun u.a. tatkräftig Kunden, entwickelt neue Konzepte und sorgt für reibungslose Abläufe.
Marion Risse keeps the Physikanten office running smoothly. The office assistant assigns the creative chaos, keeps control of the accounts and, together with Christopher Sang, organises numerous appointments. At home she carries on managing everyday life with her three children and her hobbies: cycling, dancing and walking. And yet she says, “I’ve never found life that stressful.”
Sound engineer, Santa Clause, bingo caller, driver, student, bar owner, radio advertising consultant, paperboy, TV extra, production runner, radio presenter, media technician, stagehand, dog owner, cat owner, advertising manager, sky diver, producer, schoolboy, toboggan master, high-end studio owner, surfer, divier, consumer, rich, poor, cable basher, DJ, etc… he’s done it all. And now Christoper Sang is a Physikant. He coordinates all the performances, and when it gets too boring for him in the office, he goes back to being a technician.
The Physikanten shows like to get technically complicated: Jörg Hirt ensures that everything runs smoothly. From the word go, this experienced events technician knows how to play music at exactly the right second and can control lighting to really set the mood on stage. When it comes to physics, Jörg knows only what he learnt in school, after which he dropped out of a few courses in order to set up and take down concert stages. Since 1998, Jörg Hirt works independently on stages and at events across Germany.
You could call him the “good spirit” of The Physikanten, although Günther Ernst is so much more. For thirty years he led the mechanics’ workshop of the physics department at the University of Dortmund. Since 2001 he has been the provider of much advice and practical help to The Physikanten, especially when it comes to building new experiments. Or setting up workshops. Or sourcing new materials. Or… you get the picture!
Geschickt und immer mit einer Lösung bei der Hand ist Nils Klucke. Er behält das Lager und die Logistik fest im Griff und bleibt dabei immer gelassen. Der gelernte Veranstaltungstechniker mit jahrelanger Messe-Erfahrung sorgt für reibungslose Abläufe – auch bei unseren Shows. Verantwortlich für Licht und Ton setzt er die Experimente in Szene.